Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Christian Bale
My first christian bale movie was machinist.I couldn't appreciate his dedication to the movie much, because , i didn't know him before.I couldn't believe what he had done to himself, till i started watching his other movies.He is one dedicated guy.Just saw batman and thought i should do a post on him.Check out the pics.

In machinist
From http://www.socalworkout.com/wpblog/?p=189
check out Christian's wiki page here

From http://www.socalworkout.com/wpblog/?p=189
check out Christian's wiki page here
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Pralayam,Chaos,Chaos theory
This is an extension of the discussion that me and robbie are having on the dasa post.The good thing about talking with knowledgeable people like robbie is that, the discussions expand your knowledge base and make you think clearly.I thought i will do this as a separate post so that more people can understand the chaos theory or at least my understanding of it and think for themselves.
This is what robbie told.
In shot what it means is, when there is pralayam lord vishnu comes as an avatar to restore order which is kind of similar to the avatars done by kamal in the movie.On the first glance, what ever he is saying might seem right.But if look closely and clearly you can see the difference.First of all
Is Pralayam, Literary Chaos and Chaos of Chaos theory all the same?.
From what i know(Would appreciate some info from sanskrit people),the word pralayam means a natural destruction of a great magnitude or destruction in general or something on that line.But pralayam does not necessarily mean chaos.chaos is confusion, disorderliness,A state where you cannot determine anything anymore.Chaos could be the result of a pralayam but chaos is not pralayam.
The difference between chaos and pralayam is the difference between confusion and destruction.Ok, lets forget the word pralayam.Lets take chaos and assume that lord vishnu comes at a time of chaos and restores order.Fine, that is mythology, compare it with the movie.These so called avatars, are they all created or formed to restore order in a time of chaos.what was the chaos and order that the bush character or tall muslim character or the japanese character, the naidu character,avatar singh or many other characters brought in.what is the chaos and what was the order that was restored??.If these characters , metamorphically mean avatars, why is one avatar fighting another avatar.Why is the fletcher character or the japanese character trying to kill the scientist character??. you can hypothesize even nagesh and K.R.Vijaya as an avatar, but you wont because kamal didn't play it.The only thing that makes the characters that come in the movie as avatar is the fact that kamal acted as that character.Other than that these characters don't have any strong definitions to be an avatar.If you analyze the movie, it does not satisfy both the scientific part or the mythological part.All it means is that Kamal is a bad script writer who presents a confused and unstructured script of a masala movie with lot of hype.Some people even go to the level of describing krishnaveni patti as a varaha avattar, because she shows that FISH symbol in a song.This is all kamal the script writer can come up with.So pathetic.BTW let me write the usual kamal fan response to this,i have heard the responses so many times before."In a masala movie this is all you can do, look at how rajini is making a movie, kamal is lot better".And where did the discussion start, comparing kamal with al pacino, marlon brando and the best director,screen play writer of the world.This is a usual kamal fan trick, start with the best of the world and in the end prove that he is lot better than rajini or vijaykanth.Basically a face saving measure , to cover the fact that , once again kamal sold BS to them.
Ok now lets come to the science part. Is the literary chaos same as the chaos of the chaos theory.NO, the chaos that is mentioned in chaos theory is deterministic chaos.Meaning chaos that arises with in a dynamic but deterministic system.Meaning a system that has some rules and regulation, a dynamic system that works within a well defined boundary.For example we know the initial conditions and the parameters and rules with which the dynamic model is operating.Deterministic chaos is a subset of Literary chaos but they are not the same.So how does this affect the movie?.
First of all there is no deterministic chaos in the movie.I mean what is chaos in the movie.Iam picking something random in the lines of what robbz quoted, just as an example,like the shaivaites vaishnavites fighting. Is that a deterministic chaos?? what order did the nambi character bring to that chaos,poor soul died without doing anything.In another time, another era, would another king would have done the same thing(moving the vishnu statue) with a different result??.If that would have been the case then it is deterministic chaos, otherwise it is a simple random event and that is what all the events in the movie are Random events.The reason why i referenced RUN LOLA RUN in my previous post was, as a movie that was based on chaos theory, the screenplay was brilliant and a genuine effort had been made to bring the story close to the real chaos theory.Dasa is an utter failure from a confused screen play writer, who wasn't sure what chaos theory was.
This is what robbie told.
"If you remember the actual dasavatharam of vishnu, vishnu appears whenever there is chaos! "pralayam" in sanskrit. This chaos and the chaos theory are the same thing! the word chaos does not have a different meaning. The chaos in physics and the chaos we talk about in english are the same things!!! Vishnu appears whenever there is chaos in different avatars to restore order! This resonates well with the mathematical chaos theory! The movie is also made on those lines! through out the movie chaos is dealt with by different people for different reasons to restore order and finally the tsunami comes in causing more chaos and restoring order of some sort! There is a lot of significance and the movie does deal with the chaos theory!!!"
In shot what it means is, when there is pralayam lord vishnu comes as an avatar to restore order which is kind of similar to the avatars done by kamal in the movie.On the first glance, what ever he is saying might seem right.But if look closely and clearly you can see the difference.First of all
Is Pralayam, Literary Chaos and Chaos of Chaos theory all the same?.
From what i know(Would appreciate some info from sanskrit people),the word pralayam means a natural destruction of a great magnitude or destruction in general or something on that line.But pralayam does not necessarily mean chaos.chaos is confusion, disorderliness,A state where you cannot determine anything anymore.Chaos could be the result of a pralayam but chaos is not pralayam.
The difference between chaos and pralayam is the difference between confusion and destruction.Ok, lets forget the word pralayam.Lets take chaos and assume that lord vishnu comes at a time of chaos and restores order.Fine, that is mythology, compare it with the movie.These so called avatars, are they all created or formed to restore order in a time of chaos.what was the chaos and order that the bush character or tall muslim character or the japanese character, the naidu character,avatar singh or many other characters brought in.what is the chaos and what was the order that was restored??.If these characters , metamorphically mean avatars, why is one avatar fighting another avatar.Why is the fletcher character or the japanese character trying to kill the scientist character??. you can hypothesize even nagesh and K.R.Vijaya as an avatar, but you wont because kamal didn't play it.The only thing that makes the characters that come in the movie as avatar is the fact that kamal acted as that character.Other than that these characters don't have any strong definitions to be an avatar.If you analyze the movie, it does not satisfy both the scientific part or the mythological part.All it means is that Kamal is a bad script writer who presents a confused and unstructured script of a masala movie with lot of hype.Some people even go to the level of describing krishnaveni patti as a varaha avattar, because she shows that FISH symbol in a song.This is all kamal the script writer can come up with.So pathetic.BTW let me write the usual kamal fan response to this,i have heard the responses so many times before."In a masala movie this is all you can do, look at how rajini is making a movie, kamal is lot better".And where did the discussion start, comparing kamal with al pacino, marlon brando and the best director,screen play writer of the world.This is a usual kamal fan trick, start with the best of the world and in the end prove that he is lot better than rajini or vijaykanth.Basically a face saving measure , to cover the fact that , once again kamal sold BS to them.
Ok now lets come to the science part. Is the literary chaos same as the chaos of the chaos theory.NO, the chaos that is mentioned in chaos theory is deterministic chaos.Meaning chaos that arises with in a dynamic but deterministic system.Meaning a system that has some rules and regulation, a dynamic system that works within a well defined boundary.For example we know the initial conditions and the parameters and rules with which the dynamic model is operating.Deterministic chaos is a subset of Literary chaos but they are not the same.So how does this affect the movie?.
First of all there is no deterministic chaos in the movie.I mean what is chaos in the movie.Iam picking something random in the lines of what robbz quoted, just as an example,like the shaivaites vaishnavites fighting. Is that a deterministic chaos?? what order did the nambi character bring to that chaos,poor soul died without doing anything.In another time, another era, would another king would have done the same thing(moving the vishnu statue) with a different result??.If that would have been the case then it is deterministic chaos, otherwise it is a simple random event and that is what all the events in the movie are Random events.The reason why i referenced RUN LOLA RUN in my previous post was, as a movie that was based on chaos theory, the screenplay was brilliant and a genuine effort had been made to bring the story close to the real chaos theory.Dasa is an utter failure from a confused screen play writer, who wasn't sure what chaos theory was.
Labels: dasavatharam, Hassan, kamal, movie, tamil
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
One World...
Check out this new viral video.Its so simple, yet powerful.Watch the first two videos and see the difference in the last one...
Read about Matt Harding here at Times
Read about Matt Harding here at Times